Refreshing Culture.

The Giver

Lois Lowry

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Price for this set of book quizzes: $1


Jonas lives in a perfect community where every detail is carefully controlled. As he realizes he has a special ability, he slowly begins to learn the truth about his community.

Level Details

Lexile Measure: 760L
Reading Level: Grades Grades 6-8
Word Count: 41905 words
Number of Chapters: 23 Chapters
Number of Questions in Ming Arete Quizzes: 115 Questions

Publishing Details

Year of First Publication: 1993
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Country of Origin: United States


Novel, Young adult fiction, Science Fiction, Children’s literature, Soft science fiction, Dystopian Fiction, Utopian fiction


Novel, Young adult fiction, Science Fiction, Children’s literature, Soft science fiction, Dystopian Fiction, Utopian fiction, utopia, dystopia, society, perfect world

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