Refreshing Culture.


  • 4 Chapters

    1-1: Finger Names and Hand Position

    In this lesson, instructor Valentyn guides you in the proper nomenclature for fingers, some of the features of each finger in relation to piano playing,…
  • 5 Chapters

    1-2: Right Hand Scales

    In this lesson, instructor Valentyn will show you a fingering pattern which will allow you to play all 24 major and minor scales in the…
  • 5 Chapters

    1-3: Left Hand Scales

    Like the previous lesson, instructor Valentyn will guide you in practicing scale fingering for all 24 major and minor scales, this time in the left…
  • 4 Chapters

    1-4: Left and Right Hand Arpeggios

    In this lesson, instructor Valentyn guides students in a method for practicing arpeggios for all 24 major and minor scales for both the left and…